ACU Gender Project Launches Sexual Harassment Campaign and Workshop at UENR


The Official News Centre

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The University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR), under the auspices of the ACU Gender Project, launched a Sexual Harassment Campaign and Workshop for its staff on Wednesday, July 10, 2024. This initiative aimed to educate staff, foster a safe campus environment, and encourage proactive measures to prevent and address sexual harassment at UENR.

Ing. Dr. Mary Antwi, Head of the Centre for Climate Change and Gender Studies (3Cgs) and a member of the project team, opened the event by emphasizing the importance of raising awareness about sexual harassment and supporting its victims.

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Dr. (Mrs.) Abena Owusu Adjapong

Dr. (Mrs.) Abena Owusu Adjapong, the Project Lead, presented an overview of the campaign, highlighting its goal to foster understanding, empathy, and proactive measures against sexual harassment. She stressed the importance of moving beyond mere awareness to taking action, creating a safe space where everyone feels valued and empowered to speak up.

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Professor Elvis Asare-Bediako

Professor Elvis Asare-Bediako, the Vice-Chancellor and Chairman of the event underscored the campaign’s reliance on active community engagement and vigilance. He expressed strong support for the campaign, emphasizing its objective to equip staff to create a harassment-free environment where everyone feels secured and empowered.

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Professor Yaw Ofosu Kusi delivering his presentation

The workshop featured presentations by subject-matter experts. Professor Yaw Ofosu Kusi, of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Sciences, initiated the sessions with a presentation on “Recognizing and Dealing with Sexual Harassment in the University.” He defined sexual harassment as unwelcome verbal or physical sexual advances that create a hostile work environment. 

Prof. Kusi highlighted that cultural gestures of affection might be inappropriate in modern contexts, elaborating on various forms of sexual harassment, including offensive sexual behaviors, comments, gestures, and visual harassment. He urged the audience to actively listen to victims and uphold the university’s ethical and moral standards, emphasizing that the campaign promotes respect for people and their rights, not a ban on courtship or expressions of affection.

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Prof. Theresah Patrine Ennin

Prof. Theresah Patrine Ennin, Associate Professor at the Department of English, Faculty of Arts, College of Humanities and Legal Studies at the University of Cape Coast, delivered the keynote address. She expanded on Prof. Kusi’s definition, discussing various forms of sexual harassment, including requests for sexual favors, threats related to employment or grades, and unwelcome sexual conduct.

 Prof. Ennin emphasized the importance of recognizing and stopping gestures that may be interpreted as offensive or uncomfortable. She also addressed the causes of sexual harassment, including disregard for values, power dynamics, and misinterpretations of body language and consent. She outlined the effects of sexual harassment, such as loss of confidence in institutions, devaluation of degrees, and the normalization of sexual corruption and bribery.

Professor Ennin proposed solutions for UENR, including implementing an anti-sexual harassment policy, establishing a counseling unit, and providing access to the University hospital and police service. She also recommended training programs for campus security services, including the Ghana Police Service. Her message empowered the audience, emphasizing that everyone has the power to prevent sexual harassment.

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Professor Kwasi Nsiah-Gyabaah

Professor Kwasi Nsiah-Gyabaah, Chairman of the University Council, who graced the occasion in his short remarks encouraged that conscious effort is to be made to make students aware of the existing national laws against sexual harassment in his brief remarks.

In his closing remarks, the Vice-Chancellor encouraged the university community to report sexual harassment and expressed his satisfaction with the project initiative.

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Cross-section of Student participants

In a related forum, the Project team organized a student engagement session on Friday, July 12, 2024. The session aimed to raise awareness about sexual harassment providing students with essential information and resources to recognize, prevent, and report such incidents. Through interactive discussions and informative materials, the session sought to empower students to contribute to a safer university environment.

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Cross-section of Staff participants

The team also emphasized the interventions made by the University, GTEC, and national laws on sexual harassment. Following this, they engaged with the Sexual Harassment Committee to discuss the review of the existing Sexual Harassment Policy.