Take Actions Locally and Think Globally, Prof. Michal V. Marek Urges Local Action in Global Climate Change Lecture


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Prof. Michal V. Marek Urges Local Action in Global Climate Change Lecture

With the global facts indicating the intensity of the water cycle with more rainfall, flooding, and drought, the Director of the CzechGlobe, Professor Michal V. Marek, has urged individuals to take local actions with global implications.

Speaking at a Public Lecture organized by the University of Energy and Natural Resources at the University Auditorium on Monday, October 23, 2023, on the topic “Global Change: The Conscience of European Fossil Society”, Prof. Marek, an Adjunct Professor with the University emphasized the critical need for immediate, and collective action to address the pressing issue of climate change.

Prof. Marek in his lecture stressed the importance of thinking globally while acting locally; a mantra he has championed throughout his illustrious career. He argued that meaningful change in the fight against climate change begins with small, localized initiatives that can collectively have a substantial impact on a global scale.

Prof. Marek presented a compelling case for community-driven solutions, encouraging the audience to engage in sustainable practices within their respective regions. He cited examples of European communities successfully implementing initiatives like renewable energy projects, reforestation efforts, and sustainable agriculture practices that are reducing their carbon footprint.

His lecture also addressed the role of the fossil fuel industry in climate change, an area where Prof. Marek has been a vocal advocate for transitioning towards cleaner energy sources. He called for the need for greater investment in renewable energy technologies and the rapid reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Regional Manager of Forestry Commission Mr. Augustine Gyedu

Regional Manager of Forestry Commission, Mr. Augustine Gyedu

In a reaction to this call, the Regional Manager of Forestry Commission, Mr. Augustine Gyedu highlighted the Commission’s commitment for sustainable forest management. He disclosed that the Commission is partnering with the government agencies to implement the Green Ghana Agenda where over 1,000 trees are planted every year. He further mentioned that the Commission is planting species on farmlands that add nutrients to the soil to increase crop yields.

Responding to a question on the felling trees and corruption within the Commission, Mr. Gyedu stressed that the felling of trees cannot be totally eradicated due to the increase in the population growth and the high demand of wooden materials. However, he explained that the commission is working tirelessly to ensure that culprits of illegal logging of trees are brought to book. He used the opportunity to call on all and sundry to support in identifying culprits within their communities.

Ag. Pro Vice Chancellor Prof. John K. M. Kuwornu

Ag. Pro Vice-Chancellor, Prof. John K. M. Kuwornu

In his speech as the Chairman for the Lecture, the Ag. Pro Vice-Chancellor, Prof. John K. M. Kuwornu acknowledged the importance of having a discussion on climate change and its implications on human lives globally. He accentuated the negative impact of climate change, rainfall, and the ecosystems as well as on its impact on economic growth.

 He appreciated the contribution of Prof. Marek to the advancement of climate science in UENR adding that the lecture was timely and relevant to the global climate change discourse.

At the end of the lecture, the Ag. Pro Vice-Chancellor was pleased with the practical measures pointed out by Prof. Marek in addressing issues of global climate change.

Prof. Marek receiving his appointment letter as a Full Professor of UENR

Prof. Marek receiving his appointment letter as a Full Professor of UENR

On behalf of the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Elvis Asare-Bediako, the Ag. Pro Vice-Chancellor congratulated Prof. Marek and awarded him a certificate as a full Professor of UENR. He expressed the belief that Prof. Marek would continue to contribute to the knowledge in the University.

Prof. Marek receiving his appointment letter

The Lecture was well attended by a diverse audience comprising students, academics and stakeholders from the Forestry Commission, Forest Services Division, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Ghana Water Company, Ghana Cocoa Board, CSIR-Forest Reserve Institute of Ghana, and the Catholic University of Ghana among others,  who immensely contributed to the topic.