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UENR COLLABORATES WITH AIMS-GHANA TO INTRODUCE A POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME IN CLIMATE CHANGE AND ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICSThe University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR), Sunyani, through the Earth Observation Research and Innovation Center (EORIC) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Africa Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) to set up a two-year Master programme in Climate Change and Atmospheric Physics (CCAP) to improve the knowledge and understanding of Climate and Atmospheric processes.

This collaboration falls in line with the University’s Statutes and vision of the Vice-Chancellor Prof. Elvis Asare-Bediako on the need to forge collaborations with industry and academia.

UENR COLLABORATES WITH AIMS-GHANA TO INTRODUCE A POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME IN CLIMATE CHANGE AND ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICSThe Acting Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adebayor Felix Adekoya on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor led the UENR team whiles Dr. Prince Osei, the Centre president of AIMS Ghana led his team to sign the MoU at a short meeting held at the Council Chamber of UENR on the 9th of June, 2021.

Giving his remark on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adekoya welcomed the representatives from AIMS Ghana and expressed his joy at the new partnership. He was hopeful that the signing of the MoU will propel the two institutions into the national limelight and also the international limelight. Professor Adekoya also expressed his expectation that the signing of the MoU will bring birth to many progressive partnerships between the two institutions. Ending his remarks, he assured the partner institution of the University’s commitment to the partnership.

The Acting Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adebayor Felix Adekoya
The Acting Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Professor Adebayor Felix Adekoya

The president of AIMS, Dr. Prince Osei, addressing the meeting, emphasized that the signing of MoU should produce results and that, there should be the need to focus and take actions to achieve the goals set. He also expressed his concern about the continuity of partnerships especially in times where there is a change in administration. Ending his remarks, Dr. Osei expressed his excitement at the work and effort put in by the two institutions to ensure the effective implementation and continuity of the partnership formed.

The president of AIMS, Dr. Prince Osei
The president of AIMS, Dr. Prince Osei

 The program when developed and accredited will see AIMS Ghana register the students at UENR where the first year will be dedicated to the course work which would be done in a blended face-to-face and online model. The second year of the program would be dedicated to the research work where students would be doing data analysis, simulations, models development, writing and defending their thesis. The CCAP programme will prepare young Africans for a research career in Climate Modeling and Atmospheric Physics.