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The Human Resources Division in collaboration with the General Administration Division of the University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR), has held a 2-day capacity building training for Drivers of the University. The 2-day intensive training was held from October 11 to 12, 2022 at the French Lab with the aim of equipping the participants with practical and real time knowledge on their job.

The training, which was opened by the Ag. Pro Vice-Chancellor, Prof. John K. M. Kuwornu, saw facilitators from the Bono Regional National Road Safety Authority (NRSA), Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA) and Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) who touched on areas such as defensive driving, vehicular fire safety and inspections among others.

Presenting on the topic Defensive Driving, a Senior Technician Engineer-DVLA, Mr. Joshua Ali, disclosed that statistics show that higher percentage of road accidents are caused by drivers, he thus called on all drivers to be extra vigilant on the road by ensuring that they and their passengers as well as anything around them are safe from road traffic crashes. He admonished them to conduct pretest on their vehicles before embarking on travels, exercise patience when driving and avoid overloading among others.

A Principal Transport Assistant-NRSA, Mr. Gabriel Kwame Okyere took the participants through driver proficiency, road signs and markings. He noted that to be professional and competent as drivers, they must know the road regulations and signs. “Don’t underrate road signs because it communicates the nature of the road to you”, he emphasized.  

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Mr. Gabriel Kwame Okyere presenting on his topic at the training

On his part, the Acting Head of General Administration of UENR, Mr. David Twumasi-Ankrah urged the Drivers to let the spirit of professionalism and integrity be their hallmark. According to him, the dynamics of every profession is changing in recent times, therefore, as University Chauffeurs, it is prudent that they add value to their job to distinguish them from others. He added that they should recognise the importance of their work to earn the trust and respect of their bosses and people around them.

Acting Head of General Administration of UENR, Mr. David Twumasi-Ankrah

There was also a presentation on Vehicle Safety System by the University Transport Engineer, Mr. Ebenzer Tetteh Larnor. On the second day of the training, the Ag. Head of Human Resource Division, Ms. Yvonne Claire Dumenu and Dr. John K. Annan, a Junior Assistant Registrar at the Division took turns to facilitate topics on career progression and appointment related issues. The participants later visited a private vehicle test station to further learn about vehicle inspection including pre and post test inspection.