The Official News Centre

Professor Elvis Asare-Bediako has been officially inducted into office as the new Vice-Chancellor of the University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR), in a colourful ceremony. He takes over from Professor Harrison K. Dapaah as the 3rd Vice-Chancellor of the University since its inception in 2011.

The Council Chairman, Professor George Kankam assisted by who stood in for the Minister of Education robed and enthroned Prof. Elvis Asare-Bediako as the new Vice-Chancellor. 

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New Vice-Chancellor,Prof. Elvis Asare-Bediako

The Immediate past Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Harrison K. Dapaah in a brief speech thanked the University Council and community for making his tenure of office a success. He was hopeful that his Successor would continue to chalk more achievements for the University. He advised the new Vice-Chancellor to be mindful of his position and exhibit good human relations with the publics of the University both internal and external. 

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Former Vice-Chancellor,Prof. Harrison K. Dapaah

The Director-General, Ghana Tertiary Education Commission, Prof. Salifu Mohammed in a brief speech commended the University for its enormous achievements as a young University. He mentioned that he was proud to attend the launch of a satellite with space which detects wildfire in West Africa, collaboration of the University with the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, USA. Prof. Salifu was confident that UENR is on the path of attaining greatness in terms of tertiary education and research in the country.   

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Prof. Salifu Mohammed

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Elvis Asare-Bediako in his address outlined his vision on the theme “Transforming the University of Energy and Natural Resources into a World-Class Institution of Excellence for Sustainable Energy and Natural Resources Management” which hinges on the University’s Ten-year Strategic Plan(2016-2026). According to him, UENR has a unique opportunity to take advantage of the geographical environment that would help it develop into an institution for the training of highly skilled and ethical graduates with creative solutions to address societal problems. 

Speaking on the issue of income generation, enhancement of efficient and prudent management of resources to achieve financial sustainability, Prof. Elvis Asare-Bediako called on stakeholders to join him bring on board innovative ways to increase the University’s IGF. He mentioned that in line with global best practices and trends, management would establish UENR Enterprise Ltd which would serve as a business wing of the University adding that discussions are on-going with various private entities to set up commercial poultry and piggery production, Shopping Mall, and Oil Service Station on campus among others. 

Prof. Asare-Bediako further indicated for the University to be recognised internationally, management would work towards providing library facilities at all campuses and subscribe to high profile databases such as SCOPUS index, Science Direct and SciVal. “We would establish more Research Centres and Centres of Excellence to attract good local and international students as well as high-quality academic staff, promote strong entrepreneurial and industry-related research by encouraging strong academia-industry partnership, encourage and pursue collaboration with other leading institutions and universities nationally and internationally to enhance the quality of research” he added. 

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The new Vice-Chancellor also highlighted on increasing the number and quality of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, the establishment of UENR Green infrastructure development agenda and proper acquisition of the University lands among others which forms part of his vision.

The ceremony saw in attendance the University’s stakeholders, the general public including government officials, Vice-Chancellors of sister institutions, Clergy and old students association of Bekwai Senior High School as well as family, friends and church members of the new Vice-Chancellor.