UENR Students’ Chaplaincy Council Holds “Traditional Service”


The Official News Centre

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The Students’ Chaplaincy Council (SCC) on Sunday, June 25, 2023, held the first joint service for the Second Semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. The Service dubbed “Traditional Service” took place at the University Auditorium on the theme: “Jesus Christ, the Epicenter of our Salvation” (Titus 2:11-14). Over 700 students attended the Service in their colourful traditional apparel.

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Some students sported dancing to the melodious African song ministration performances by the University Choir

The Guest Speaker, Rev. Jonathan Amankwah Oppong, from Wesley Methodist Cathedral, Sunyani, in his exposition of the biblical text on the theme encouraged all and sundry to hold unto Christ Jesus as the pivot in all their endeavours, for He is all that one need in life. He also acknowledged the importance of depending and relying on Christ Jesus as the centre of our lives.

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Guest Speaker, Rev. Jonathan Amankwah Oppong giving the sermon

The University Chaplain, Rev. Benjamin Darko Asamoah in his welcome address thanked the Invited Guests and all students for turning up in their numbers to make the Service a success.

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University Chaplain, Rev. Benjamin Darko Asamoah

 In his remarks, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Elvis Asare-Bediako disclosed that if Christ Jesus is the epicenter of one’s life, then students were expected to live exemplary lives and not to use their school fees for gambling. He also admonished Staff to put Jesus Christ at the forefront of their life for it to reflect their scheduled duties at their various offices. He urged all to exhibit excellence towards the advancement of UENR.

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Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Elvis Asare-Bediako addressing the Congregation

There were melodious African song ministration performances by the University Choir and the Mass Theatre Group.  The Service was graced by the Ag. Pro Vice-Chancellor, Prof. John K. M. Kuwornu; the Deputy Registrar and Head of University Relations Office, Mr. Alfred Ohenenana Appiah, and Ms. Charity Odumale Roberts, Lecturer at the Department of Languages and General Studies and many other staff of the University.