The Official News Centre

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The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Elvis Asare-Bediako has paid a working visit to the School of Sciences of the University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR). The visit was to engage the staff, faculty members and students of the School and specifically inspect the facilities used for teaching and research.

At the Chemistry and Biochemistry laboratory, the Vice-Chancellor interacted with some lecturers, technicians and students. He was very impressed with the new state-of-the-art laboratory equipment used for teaching, learning and research activities, which were acquired through the support of GETFund and Seeding Laboratory.

The Vice-Chancellor commended the Department of Chemical Sciences on the efforts being made to train students with the requisite knowledge for the job market. He saw the need for the department to be equipped with chemicals, weighing balances and retort stands that were seen to be inadequate for research and practical works. He thus assured the department of facilitating the procurement of more equipment and chemicals. Advising the first-year students of the department who met the Vice-Chancellor with their branded and customized lab coats, he encouraged them to study fervently and acquire good practical skills and training being instructed by the lecturers and technicians at the department.

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Some students at the Lab during VC’s Visit

In his response, the Head of the Department, Prof. Emmanuel Marfo Owusu thanked the Vice-Chancellor for his maiden visit to support and advise members of the Department. He was hopeful that the swift purchase of the equipment would enhance the department’s quest for excellence in research and teaching. Another faculty member present was Dr. David Adu Poku who took the Vice-Chancellor through how each of the equipment at the laboratory is used for research and teaching.

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 Dr. David Adu Poku (left), Vice-Chancellor (middle), Dr. Emmanuel Owusu Marfo, HOD, Department of Chemical Science (Right)