Emmanuel Adu Boahen


Head of Department


Arts and Social Sciences


Entrepreneurship & Business Sciences


Emmanuel Adu Boahen is a Ghanaian born at Sekondi-Takoradi. He presently holds a full-time appointment at University of Energy and Natural Resources. His education after bachelor’s is interspersed with ten years teaching experience at both secondary and tertiary. Mr. Boahen completed University of Ghana in 2004 with first class honours in economics and mathematics after which he has proceeded to do Master of Philosophy and PhD in economics. Dr. Boahen’s field of specialization is development economics and have much interest in microeconomics and econometrics. He does research in any area related to microeconometrics but have specific interest in development economics, labour economics, education economics and health economics. Dr. Boahen has published several articles in high impact journals and also has several working papers with UNU-Wider. He has also served as a reviewer for several journals and have participated in several international conferences and workshops. Dr. Boahen worked on a funded project on female labour participation in Tanzania for UNU-WIDER. He has served as Head of Department for General Education Department and coordinator of School of Graduate Studies in his former employment and is currently serving in his present employment as the Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Sciences.