Nimbe Peter






Computer Science and Informatics


Peter Nimbe is a Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science and Informatics at the University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR) in Ghana. His specialty is in Quantum Computing and Information Security. He is a Quantum Researcher. He is a member of IEEE Quantum Technical Community, IEEE Nanotechnology Council, IEEE Sensors Council, IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee for Intelligent Informatics, Data Engineering, Cloud Computing, Software Engineering, Security and Privacy and IEEE Collabratec. He belongs to the following organizations; Stanford Quantum Computing Association, Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors (IRED), International Association of Engineers (IAENG), International Association of Computer Science and I.T (IACSIT), International Computer Science and Engineering Society (ICSES), European Alliance for Innovation (EAI), Institute of ICT Professionals Ghana, Python Ghana, Ghana Science Association (GSA), University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG), etc.

He has many IEEE certificates in various areas of Quantum Computing and its applications. He has attended many workshops, seminars, webinars and conferences hosted within and outside of Ghana. He has many publications in Quantum Computing and Information Security and has reviewed some papers in reputable and high-impact factor journals. A confident and highly organized person with teaching experience in the basic and tertiary levels of education. He began his lecturing carrier as a Research Assistant in 2010 at Catholic University College of Ghana, became a Lecturer in 2016. He obtained his BSc degree in Computer Science from Catholic University College of Ghana (CUCG) in 2009 and received his MPhil in Computer Science from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in 2014. He did his PhD in Computer Science in UENR and completed in 2022. He has occupied positions in various institutions in Ghana; some of which include Software Developer and IT Instructor – Mapritech, IT Facilitator – RLG Communications, IT Administrator – Kofi Annan Peace Keeping Center (In Collaboration with CUCG, WANEP and UNDP for Joint Party Election Results Monitoring (J-PERM) Project for Ghana.


Quantum Computing, Information Security



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Nimbe, P., Weyori, B.A., Adekoya, A.F. (2022). A Novel Classical and Quantum Cryptographic Scheme for Data Encryption. Int J Theor Phys. DOI: 10.1007/s10773-022-05054-5

Nimbe, P., Weyori, B.A., Adekoya, A.F. Awarayi N.S. (2022). Implementation of Framework for Quantum-Classical and Classical-Quantum Conversion. Int J Theor Phys 61, 37. DOI: 10.1007/s10773-022-04975-5

Nti, I.K., Nyarko-Boateng, O., Boateng, S., Bawah, F.U., Agbedanu, P.R., Awarayi, N.S., Nimbe, P., Adekoya, A.F., Weyori, B.A., Akoto-Adjepong, V. (2021). Enhancing Flood Prediction using Ensemble and Deep Learning Techniques. 22nd International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT). DOI: 10.1109/ACIT53391.2021.9677084, pp. 1-9.

Nimbe P., Weyori B.A., Adekoya F.A. (2021). Rotation of bits: a classical and quantum perspective. Journal of Electrical Systems and Inf Technol 8(4). DOI: 10.1186/s43067-021-00029-8

Nimbe P., Weyori B.A., Adekoya F.A. (2021). Models of Quantum Computing: a systematic review, Quantum Inf Process 20(80). DOI: 10.1007/s11128-021-03021-3

Nimbe P., Weyori B.A., Yeng P.K. (2021). A Framework for Quantum-Classical Cryptographic Translation, Int J Theor Phys 60(1). DOI: 10.1007/s10773-020-04698-5

Nti I.K., Adekoya F.A., Opoku M., Nimbe P. (2020). Synchronising social media into teaching and learning settings at tertiary education, International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments 6(3):230 DOI: 10.1504/IJSMILE.2020.109228

Yeng P.K, Nimbe P., Weyori B.A., Solvoll T., Yang B. (2019). Web Vulnerability Measures for SMEs, Proceedings of the 12th Norwegian Information Security Conference, NISK Journal, Vol. 12

Nimbe P., Yeboah F.S., Opoku M. (2015). An Efficient Approach to Unifying Electronic Mail Services, International Knowledge Press, Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research, ISSN No. : 2395-4205 (Print), 2395-4213 (Online), Vol.: 8, Issue: 4, pp. 317-326

Opoku M., Davis J.G., Nimbe P. (2015). Security Evaluation of the Smartphone Platforms: A Case Study with Android, iOS and Windows Phones, International Knowledge Press, Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research, ISSN No. : 2395-4205 (Print), 2395-4213 (Online), Vol.: 8, Issue: 3, pp. 234-259

Opoku M., Davis J.G., Nimbe P. (2015). Evaluation of the Smartphone Platforms: A Case Study with Android, iOS and Windows Phones, International Knowledge Press, Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research, ISSN No. : 2395-4205 (Print), 2395-4213 (Online), Vol.: 6, Issue: 1, pp. 72-92

Nimbe P., Hayfron-Acquah J.B., Weyori B.A. (2015) Performance, Security and Statistical Analysis of Nimbe Cipher 1 (NC1), International Knowledge Press, Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research, ISSN No. : 2395-4205 (Print), 2395-4213 (Online), Vol.: 6, Issue: 1, pp. 37-60

Nimbe P., Hayfron-Acquah J.B., Weyori B.A. (2015). An Improved Symmetric Cipher Encryption For Securing Data, International Knowledge Press, Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research, ISSN No. : 2395-4205 (Print), 2395-4213 (Online), Vol.: 4, Issue: 3, pp. 139-154

Nimbe P., Okyere E., Weyori B.A. (2015). An Alternative Technique For Finding the Nth Root of Real Numbers, International Knowledge Press, Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research, ISSN No. : 2395-4205 (Print), 2395-4213 (Online), Vol.: 3, Issue: 1, pp. 32-39, April 2015

Nimbe P., Opoku M., Frimpong S.O. (2015). Hashing String Keys Using NFO and NOF Collision Resolution Strategies, International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research ISSN 2351-8014 Vol. 13 No. 1, pp. 89-97

Nimbe P., Opoku M., Frimpong S.O. (2014). Hash Table Collision Resolution Using a Multi-dimensional Array, International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research ISSN 2351-8014 Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 258-267

Nimbe P., Frimpong S.O., Opoku M. (2014). An Efficient Strategy for Collision Resolution in Hash Tables, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 99– No.10, pp. 35-41