Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here Moses Addo NarteySchool of Agriculture and TechnologyLecturer
Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here Mr. Christian AsumahSchool of Agriculture and TechnologyLecturer
Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here Dr. Peter AsieduSchool of Agriculture and TechnologyLecturer
Non-Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here EDITH ADASI AYARKWAOFFICE OF THE REGISTRAROffice of the RegistrarSchool of Agriculture and TechnologySENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT
Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here Ernest Darkwah YeboahSchool of Agriculture and TechnologyLecturer
Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here Nartey Moses AddoSchool of Agriculture and TechnologyLecturer
Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here Hagan Bernard Ato (PhD)School of Agriculture and TechnologySenior Lecturer