Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here Dr. Peter AppiaheneSchool of SciencesSenior Lecturer/ Head of Department
Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here Benjamin Darko AsamoahOFFICE OF THE DEAN OF STUDENTSChaplaincy OfficeSchool of SciencesLecturer and University Chaplain
Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here Prof Samuel Fosu GyasiSchool of SciencesAssociate Professor/Dean
Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here DAVID ADU-POKUSchool of SciencesSchool Distance Education Coordinator
Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here Killian Asampana AsosegaSchool of SciencesDepartment Examinations Officer
Non-Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here Fatima DadzieSchool of SciencesPrincipal Administrative Assistant