Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here Gabriel Owusu-AnsahSchool of Arts and Social SciencesLecturer
Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here Rosina Achiaa AnnohSchool of Arts and Social SciencesAssistant Lecturer
Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here Mr Adinkra Justin Kwaku OduroSchool of Arts and Social SciencesLECTURER
Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here GABRIEL OWUSU-ANSAHSchool of Arts and Social SciencesAssistant Lecturer
Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here Kwasi OpokuSchool of Arts and Social SciencesAssistant Lecturer
Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here Richard Baffour OkyereOFFICE OF THE VICE CHANCELLORSenior Lecturer
Non-Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here COSMAS RAI AMENORVIOFFICE OF THE VICE CHANCELLORQuality Assurance and Academic Planning DirectorateSenior Research Fellow
Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here Mr Appiah Francis DouglasOFFICE OF THE VICE CHANCELLORSchool of Arts and Social SciencesLECTURER
Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here MR ASARE-ABOAGYE ISAACSchool of Arts and Social SciencesASSISTANT LECTURER
Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here MR. SARFO KWASIOFFICE OF THE VICE CHANCELLORSchool of Arts and Social SciencesLECTURER
Teaching StaffAdd Your Heading Text Here MR. OWUSU-ANSAH GABRIELAcademics and Students Affairs DivisionSchool of Arts and Social SciencesASSISTANT LECTURER